Author Topic: தேவனாகிய கர்த்தர் மனிதனை ஏன் படைத்தார் ?  (Read 7382 times)


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So , this is your answer for the question " why did GOD created man "?

susan paul

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Do u know or not can u say


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I am not sure  why he created man

susan paul

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K first say what is ur onion pa.


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susan paul

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I send wrongly but u understand know then what pa give answer pa


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I can't find a convincing answer to my own question . That's why I am here.

susan paul

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M good, ask more question to god he will share the thinks through the holy spirit OK


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I asked GOD, but I get no reply.

susan paul

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In ur time God will not give . u should wait for his time ok


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susan paul

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God knows when he should give for u???  Some times his answer will be YES! some time his answer will be NO!! some times he will say u to WAIT!!!!!

............wait he knows everything OK
This is the FAITH ( WAIT )


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This is what I wrote elsewhere in this forum. Please read it    s.....l......o......w.......l.....y

Many of us have shakey faith on GOD . Why ?

It is not because GOD don't give what we ask (Bible says we get when we ask in the name of JESUS), but because,  he prefer not to answer our prayers.

We have no problem if he says YES or NO or WAIT . But he should say something , we wish.

The faith is based on two way communication.

Today, unfortunately, we have only one way communication .
We even don't know whether HE heard our prayers or not .
We don't have any acknowledgement of whatsoever for our prayers. 
That's why we have shakey faith in the first place.

Somebody said this:" I prayed daily to God for a bicycle, but did not get one. Later I realized prayer doesn't work that way , so I stole a bicycle and prayed to God for forgiveness ".

Though the above lines are bit funny and mischievous , it indicates the state of " pray & get " , and man's attitude when he get a feeling of " ignored ".

Since God interacted with Bible-time-believers in one way or the other , they had faith , and  that's quite understandable.
We modern timers , don't have such privileges.
I don't justify the reason for our poor faith on GOD , I just wish HE should interact with HIS special creation " HUMAN ".

I pray to GOD for food when I am hungry , would HE say YES ....or.... NO .....or.....NOT NOW   !?!?

Unanswered prayers leads to poor faith.

susan paul

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I will not agree with u,  because in my personal life I had lot of experience pa.... If u pray faithfully  surely u can get it.
One day I like to have "Vadai" but no way to get!!!

susan paul

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I forget about the vadai but in the evening time I got the vadai!! It may be the small think but I got more Happy than anything on the moment pa. Still I could feel hislove. Not only this many many thinks I got the  from theLord. If u believe surely u will see the glory of God. OK.