Author Topic: Sunday Law  (Read 5608 times)


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Sunday Law
« on: October 29, 2014, 02:50:34 AM »
Which is correct Worship on Saturday or worship on Sunday, If Sunday is correct means then it is first day of the week.


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Re: Sunday Law
« Reply #1 on: December 03, 2014, 02:07:01 AM »
Bro Saturday is our worship day... Becose Saturday is sabbath nd it is a forth command from ten commandment...


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Re: Sunday Law
« Reply #2 on: September 23, 2015, 11:33:08 AM »
Please read my article on the Sabbath. Type in Sabbath in the search box, then look for my name: ELECTO123.
« Last Edit: April 03, 2016, 07:35:55 AM by ELECTO123 »


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Re: Sunday Law
« Reply #3 on: September 24, 2015, 12:02:35 AM »
@:  Which is correct Worship on Saturday or worship on Sunday,

I'm just asking ....... Why not Friday ? Or Tuesday ? Or any convenient day ?

@:    Bro Saturday is our worship day... Becose Saturday is sabbath nd it is a forth command from ten commandment...

Since Jesus said this...

பின்பு அவர்களை நோக்கி,மனுஷன் ஓய்வுநாளுக்காக உண்டாக்கப்படவில்லை,ஓய்வுநாள் மனுஷனுக்காக உண்டாக்கப்பட்டது.
மாற்கு 2 :27

Why not keep worship / Sabbath to our convenience ?


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Re: Sunday Law
« Reply #4 on: February 13, 2016, 04:28:17 AM »
We are not under the old covenant now. Seven names of the day belonged to pagan gods. If we say it's very important to keep sabbath day on Saturday then we should do everything what they have done in Old Testament days not only sabbath day. Jesus said very clearly worship your Lord with all your hearts. Moreover he did not say if you don't practice sabbath day you will never enter heaven. He said go and preach the gospel and make them dispels. Every day and every minute is belongs to God so we only got one life
And we don't know what is going to happen next minute so please encourage everyone to preach gospel. There plenty of souls are dying without knowing Jesus can save so please stop preaching denomination instead preach the gospel  it's our only call. So please don't be deceived.


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Re: Sunday Law
« Reply #5 on: February 13, 2016, 04:39:54 PM »
The ultimate purpose of God in the new covenant is not to produce a number of Christ-like individuals, but to produce "ONE NEW MAN" - one Body in Christ (Ephesians 2:15, 16).

Under the old covenant, God raised up a Moses, an Elijah and a John the Baptist. They were all lone men who stood for God as witnesses in their generation. But the church was a mystery hidden from them all. Israel could become only a congregation of individuals, and not a body. In a body, all the members are inter-related, with each having a personal and inward connection with the head.

When Jesus, the mediator of the new covenant came, He sent out His disciples two by two. They were no longer to be lone witnesses unto Him. He also told them that His presence would be powerfully manifest wherever at least two of His disciples were united in His Name (Matthew 18:18-20) - because where two are united in Jesus' Name, there is a representation of the Body of Christ.

As servants of the new covenant, we must never rest satisfied with individual brothers and sisters becoming godly. The local assembly itself must be a representation of the Body of Christ. Otherwise we have failed to fulfil God's highest purpose.

The Presence of God
What is the primary mark of a new-covenant church? Many think that it is having a particular pattern of church government and a particular form of meeting. But it is neither of these. The important thing about the church is that it should have Divine life .

When a baby is being formed in its mother's womb, in its early weeks it does not even have the shape (pattern) of a human being. It only has life. The shape (pattern) comes later. It is the same when a new church is being established anywhere. It will take time for the proper pattern to emerge. But meanwhile there must be life.

The primary mark of a new-covenant church is that God is present in its midst. When the church comes together, and everyone prophesies under the anointing of the Holy Spirit, those who come to the meeting should be convicted of their sins and acknowledge that God is present in the meeting (1 Corinthians 14:24, 25). That, and that alone proves that such a church has the right pattern.

If the presence of God is absent, we must confess that we have come short of God's perfect plan - and we must repent.

Consider the tabernacle that the Israelites made in the wilderness. Its pattern was written down clearly in the book of Exodus. The Philistines could easily have made a similar tabernacle.

But there was one thing that they could never have reproduced - and that was God's presence in the Most Holy Place, manifested as a fiery flame lighting up the tabernacle. That was the most important part of the tabernacle. It is the same with the church.

You may see a powerful church somewhere, and imagine that its secret is the pattern it follows in its meetings, or the doctrines it preaches!! And so you imitate that pattern, and preach the same doctrines, and imagine that you have a new-covenant church. But you are deceiving yourself. Without the glory of God being powerfully present in your midst, there is no new-covenant church there at all.

When God is powerfully present in our midst as a church, His light will continually show us what is pleasing to Him and what isn't. That light will warn us of dangers that lie ahead. It will not only drive away the darkness, but the prince of darkness as well. The powers of Hell will never be able to prevail against such a church.

It is no use having only our doctrines right in the church. What we need more than anything else is the presence of God.


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Re: Sunday Law
« Reply #6 on: February 14, 2016, 12:46:06 PM »
New covnentஜ பற்றி விவாதம் செல்வதால் இது பற்றிய  என்னுடைய சந்தேகங்களை இங்கே பதிவு செய்ய விரும்புகிறேன்.

New covnent என்றால் "புது" உடன்படிக்கையா  ?........அல்லது ........."புதிய " உடன்படிக்கையா  ?

புது  உடன்படிக்கையைப் பற்றி எரோமியா 31:31-34 லிலும்  எபிரேயர் 8:8-12 லும் ,

புதிய  உடன்படிக்கையைப் பற்றி லூக்கா 22:20 லும் கூறப்பட்டுள்ளது.

இரண்டும் வெவ்வேறான அம்சங்களைக் கொண்டுள்ளது தெளிவு.

1. எரோமியா 31:31-34 லிலும்  எபிரேயர் 8:8-12 லும் , கூறப்பட்டுள்ள புது  உடன்படிக்கையின் நாட்கள் வந்துவிட்டதா ...இல்லையா ?..அதாவது இந்த புது உடன்படிக்கை அமலில் உள்ளதா ?

ஆம் ....உள்ளது என்றால்  எரோமியா 31:34லிலும் எபிரேயர் 8:8-11 லும் கூறப்பட்டிருக்கிறபடி  , "கர்த்தரை அறிந்துகொள்" என்று நாம் அடுத்தவர்க்கு சொல்லக்கூடாது !!! அதாவது சுவிசேஷம் அவசியப்படாது.......மாறாக...

2. இந்த புது உடன்படிக்கை அமலில் இன்னும் வரவில்லை என்றால்.........மோசே  உடன்படிக்கையை வைத்துக்கொள்வதா..........அல்லது , இடைக்கால உடன்படிக்கையாக ,  லூக்கா 22:20 ல் கூறப்பட்டுள்ள புதிய  உடன்படிக்கையை வைத்துக்கொள்வதா. ?

3. எல்லாவற்றுக்கும் மேலாக கடவுளுக்கும் மனிதனுக்கும் "உடன்படிக்கை" எதற்கு ? ( What would be the benefit for the Creater from his creation through agreements...especially..the Creater knows beforehand that no agreement will be honoured from his creation's end...? ) எத்தனை உடன்படிக்கையை ஏற்படுத்தினாலும் மனிதன் அவற்றை மீறுவான் என்பது கடவுள் அறியாததா ?

யாராவது விளக்குவார்களா ?